
I like to work with people who have good word of mouth. You probably do, too. Here’s what some of my favorite writers, creators, and collaborators have said about me:

Will Claflin / Director of Content / “Lindsey is a creative force of nature. When she walks into a room, there’s a fresh energy and a feeling that that the best ideas are yet to come. And she’s the pinnacle of collaborative energy — always encouraging her co-workers and helping them develop their own voices and aesthetic. Lindsey is a rare talent, a great human being, often the funniest person in the room, and never gives up until an idea is fully excellent.”

Sam Coons / Junior Copywriter / “Lindsey was an invaluable mentor to me from Day One. She not only ensures there’s a set strategy and structure to a project from the very beginning, but that everyone involved has an equal voice. Her command of every situation turns challenging problems into clear, actionable solutions. And her intuition for client, consumer, and human needs has resulted in work that I can always look to for inspiration. There are people you meet in your life whose example teaches you things you’ll take to your grave. Lindsey is one of those people.”

Tom Kelly / ECD / “Coming up with a great idea is hard, but it's not enough. The creatives who really separate themselves are the ones who do the other things. Like agonizing over details, protecting an idea until it's complete, and always being open to making it better along the way. That's Lindsey.” 

Lawrence O'Toole / ACD / “She's focused. She's conceptual. And her voice is unique and effortless because of the effort she puts into it. Want more? You'll get it. Tell her it's a dead end, and she finds a way. Wherever Lindsey goes, she will make that place better.”

Jane Scanlon / CD / “Words most often heard in my office while reviewing Lindsey's work: "Love it." "Awesome." "How the $%^& did you come up with this?" Not a day goes by when I am not grateful to have Linds on my team. She is such a strong writer and a source of great energy.”